
"But in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” -Benjamin Franklin, 1789 Although everyone dies eventually, not everyone leaves...

  The National Academy of Elder Law Attorney (NAELA) of which Mr Crews is a member, has designated May as National Elder Law Month. A crucial...

When it comes to matters of the law, things can get misunderstood in a hurry. We're here to help sort that out, after...

Resolutions, resolutions, resolutions…this is the theme of the New Year. The new year brings a fresh start and everyone is excited about change. The...

Due to demographic changes and changing economic fortunes, older Americans increasingly have to transfer money to their adult children so that their offspring...

Sites like LegalZoom and Rocket Lawyer are readily available these days for those quick fix documents and "expert" legal advise that people are...

In working with clients from every walk of life, I have found a pattern with a very important question, regarding warning signs for...

Business Attorney in Tulsa
Tulsa Estate Planning Attorney
Estate Planning Attorney in Tulsa
Tulsa Estate Planning Attorney
