5 Things You Can Do As A Father To Secure Your Children’s Future

Estate Planning Attorney in Tulsa

5 Things You Can Do As A Father To Secure Your Children’s Future

Father’s Day is a time to celebrate the invaluable role fathers play in their children’s lives. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on the ways you can safeguard your family’s future.

At Gary Crews Law, we have seen firsthand how proactive planning can protect your loved ones and ensure their well-being. Here are five critical steps you can take to secure your children’s future.

1. Draft a Comprehensive Will

Creating a will is one of the most important things you can do for your family. A will specifically outline your wishes regarding the distribution of your assets and the care of your minor children, providing clear instructions that must be followed after your passing.

Unlike other estate planning methods, a will takes effect only after death and is subject to probate. Without a will, the state decides who inherits your property and who becomes the guardian of your children, which may not align with your preferences.

2. Establish a Trust

A trust is a powerful tool that can provide financial security for your children and offers several distinct advantages over other estate planning methods.

Unlike a will, which only takes effect after death and must go through probate, a trust allows you to specify how and when your assets will be distributed, even while you are still alive.

This flexibility can be particularly beneficial if you have young children or if you want to protect your assets from creditors, ensure they are used for specific purposes such as education, or provide for a family member with special needs. Trusts can also help avoid the probate process, ensuring a quicker, more private transfer of assets and reducing legal fees and delays.

3. Prepare Advanced Healthcare Directives

Advanced healthcare directives, including a living will and a healthcare power of attorney, are critical components of your estate plan that set themselves apart from other estate planning methods by focusing specifically on your medical care preferences.

These documents allow you to specify your medical treatment preferences if you become incapacitated and designate someone to make healthcare decisions on your behalf, ensuring your healthcare choices are respected.

Unlike wills or trusts, which primarily address the distribution of assets, advanced healthcare directives provide clear guidance to your loved ones during stressful times, alleviating the burden of making difficult medical decisions without knowing your wishes.

Without these directives, your family might face legal battles or emotional turmoil when making critical healthcare decisions, adding unnecessary stress to an already challenging situation.

4. Appoint a Durable Power of Attorney

Appointing a durable power of attorney is a vital step in estate planning that ensures your financial and legal affairs are managed according to your wishes if you become incapacitated.

A durable power of attorney takes effect during your lifetime, allowing a trusted individual to make decisions on your behalf. This designated person can handle tasks such as paying bills, managing investments, and making other important financial decisions, ensuring that your affairs are kept in order even if you are unable to do so yourself.

By appointing a durable power of attorney, you protect your assets and maintain control over your financial future, reducing the risk of financial mismanagement and providing your family with clear guidance during challenging times.

5. Create an Estate Plan

Creating a comprehensive estate plan is the cornerstone of ensuring your family’s long-term security and peace of mind. An estate plan integrates various legal documents and strategies, including wills, trusts, advanced healthcare directives, and powers of attorney, to provide a holistic approach to managing your assets and personal wishes.

An estate plan addresses not only the distribution of your assets after your death but also your healthcare preferences and financial management during your lifetime. This comprehensive strategy ensures that your intentions are clearly documented and legally binding, minimizing potential conflicts and legal challenges.

By working with an estate planning lawyer, you can tailor your estate plan to meet your unique needs and circumstances, providing a robust framework that protects your legacy and supports your loved ones through all stages of life.


As fathers, our foremost priority is the well-being and security of our children. This Father’s Day, take proactive steps to secure their future by contacting our team.

By drafting a comprehensive will, establishing a trust, designating beneficiaries and guardians, preparing advanced healthcare directives, and securing adequate life insurance, you can provide your children with the stability and protection they deserve.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dedicated fathers out there! Your foresight and planning today will create a lasting legacy of love and security for your children.

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