What Should I Tell Him?

Family Attorney in Tulsa

What Should I Tell Him?

A good friend invited me to dinner to show me the results of his DIY bathroom tile project. He beamed with so much pride as he ushered me into his bathroom to show off the tile.  What Should I Tell Him?

After all of the money and time he spent, how could I tell him that it was done wrong?

Several of the tiles were crooked and the grout was discolored and uneven. After all, he invited me to dinner just to show off his handwork!

He may not accept the truth until his real estate agent tells him a prospective buyer has complained about the bathroom tile and now he needs to hire a professional to fix it correctly.    

DIY (Do It Yourself) projects are exciting, but they are not for everyone. Furthermore, DIY does not fit every need. If the DIY process can actually provide harmful outcomes, the result can be scary. A mishap can cost an unbearable amount in the end.

This made me think of the legal matters that I take on sometimes. Some cases require me to fix what was not done correctly the first time. I am commonly asked legal questions from friends, who consider handling legal matters themselves. My answer is this simple:

“Considering all things, what will this cost you?”

That’s what people really want to know anyway right? However, the problem is, we focus on the immediate monetary cost associated with retainer fees. The following items are very rarely considered: The risk of losing a case; paying more in failed negotiations; cost of incorrect documents and filings; and the cost of fixing the situation later.

It is very similar to the choice my friend made when he ventured out to Home Depot’s DIY department, after deciding not to hire a professional to provide his home improvement needs. If you have ever done this, you know that the DIY execution can be VERY costly


Four things to consider:

1. A consultation with a legal professional is always worth the time. Whether you are choosing to forgo legal assistance or not, a conversation with an attorney can help you consider and assess ALL associated costs.

2. Experience Matters – Legal professionals do have the experience, skills, education and expertise that fits your needs. Legal assistance provides assurance, which is invaluable for all legal needs.

3. Choosing the right professional is key – When choosing an attorney, it is important to be diligent in your research for the right professional to assist you. This research can simply be asking the right questions during your legal consultation.

4. Consider your goals, requirements, and possible outcomes – your decision should start with becoming clear about the end goal of your legal process and the requirements involved in pursuing the outcomes you desire.

What should I tell him?

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